“May the bridges I burn light the path…”



Date of Birth:
Zodiac Sign:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Food:
Beverage of Choice:
Favorite Music:

March 27th, 1993
Im Picky
Mountain Dew / Water
Beach, Trying New Recipes
Orlando, FL



Hey Bald Gang meet me, Brandon a.k.a Bam-Bam! Hmm... Where do we start?

Well I was born and raised in Orlando, FL by a very close and tight-nit family. I graduated from Edgewater High School in Orange County School District.

After High School I relaxed and enjoyed friends and family and worked at a few fast food restaurants until landing my dream job as a flight attendant for a major U.S. based airline.

I enjoy the nudist lifestyle along with Alvin, and enjoy my free time at the clothing optional beaches, I love traveling, and just love being goofy with family, friends and loved ones. I love being a role model to my younger brother and sister.

I still have things on my bucketlist that one day will be checked off including skydiving and visiting all seven continents. History and culture is my thing so can’t wait to experience places like China, Rome, and Egypt just to name a few. Flying a plane wasn't on that list but its already checked off. What’s on your bucket list?

I met the bald guy, Alvin, at a Walmart on Kirkman Road in Orlando in 2015. He says I followed him across the parking lot to get his attention but there are two sides to every story; Alvin’s story was more of a fantasy anyway. Fun fact, Alvin actually wasn’t bald back then. I showed my interests, but unfortunately he was in a relatinoship at the time. We kept in touch every blue moon via facebook until we didn’t. Alvin randomly popped up at my job in 2017 after just moving back to Orlando from Miami, single this time, and still not bald yet but the rest is history.

“Communication is our partner… Clarity is our friend”

— CraigTheWriterStewart.com